Thursday, July 27, 2017

Mircale Mile Mimi is not telling the full truth

So here is this 

by guest anonymous;

Mimi Nugyen - Executive Direction for MMIP took a trip to Portland Oregon paid with MMIP funds to bring Dutch Brothers to the Miracle Mile to help a board member get a commission on the parcel of land that he was brokering. Huge conflict of interest.

 Carol Hirota, SUSD employee and member of the MMID, requested the board support Mimi without getting approval from SUSD Board of Trustees or Superintendent Davalos, Her shouts of support could be heard outside of the meeting held at PME Real Estate offices at Pacific and Harding. MMID Board doesn't want to press charges because then their unethical practices will be exposed. 

Gil Somera is a MMID member and NOW Mimi Nugyen's attorney. Isn't that a slight conflict of interest? Why would anyone hire this guy after he says publicly that "It (embezzlement) happens in ALL organizations"? I feel bad for majority of organizations in which this does NOT happen

Businesses near the MMID office said that the blinds to the office have only recently been closed and bags of trash have been removed. Some have suggested that there has been a lot of shredding going on of documents. What is on those documents, no one knows.

Paul Marsh, owner of Mile Wine, has recently put his business up for sale on the Miracle Mile because of the recent negative occurrences on the Miracle Mile. It is just too hard for businesses to survive under this black cloud.


  1. The Somera law office moved from the Miracle Mile in 2016.

    Of course this does not happen in all organizations. Unfortunately, it happens too often, especially when there is a lack of oversight and thats what I was trying to relay.

    The first step to moving past a mistake is saying, " I'm sorry" and asking how to make it right, if possible. In this situation she is remorseful and has offered to repay the association.

  2. "Paul Marsh, owner of Mile Wine, has recently put his business up for sale on the Miracle Mile because of the recent negative occurrences on the Miracle Mile. It is just too hard for businesses to survive under this black cloud."

    This is not only laughable, but a completely and utterly false stretch of the imagination. We at Mile Wine, who have been working towards selling our business for the past year, recently listed it publicly because we have two young children who we don't get to spend much time with. Anyone who knows us, knows that Paul is nearly always at Mile Wine managing the business. In addition, I (Paul's wife) work full time during the day and go to law school at night full time. Owning a restaurant is a lot of work, and Mile Wine is like our third child. We absolutely love our Mile Wine family, the Miracle Mile and our neighbors, but sometimes one's family must come first. Our decision to sell has long been in the works, and has zero relevance the recent challenges experienced by the MMID.

    In fact, our sales have been up over the past two years, and continue to rise, which is in stark contrast to the uninformed opinion above. We are hoping to find someone who will love Mile Wine and the Miracle Mile as much as we do and will be good stewards of our business and neighborhood for years to come. The issues with the MMID are nothing but a temporary bump in the road.

    Cindi Marsh

  3. Dear Badger,
    As for the three bags of trash I was carrying out I couldn't find the dumpster key so I delivered them, with permission, to Whirlow's dumpster. I called and asked that they not have it emptied so that you, Badger, can see what I was disposing of. Be careful with the bag full of the refrigerator contents as it is pretty toxic at this point. The second bag full of merchant's coupons from 7 years ago are probably not valid but go ahead and try to use them. The third heavy bag is stacks of old magazines that you are welcome to (no shredding--sorry). As for the closed blinds and lights on--it's a break in deterrent. Gil Somera is no longer on the Mile and was never a member of the mmid--bad info. As for the Oregon trip, well that ridiculous rumor comes from Kelley Jacobs and has absolutely no basis in fact. So, dear Badger, you need to put the wacky tobacco down and return to reality. Do a little investigative reporting before you spout out this bullshit, and in your spare time install spell check and take a course in English grammar. Sad.

  4. Mimi Nguyen made me close my business
