Saturday, January 9, 2016

SPD and Motecuzoma Sanchez

In the last couple years we have had an issue in America with Police perhaps going too far and targeting minorities. I had given them the benefit of the doubt but recently I have begun to change my mind. We all know that 99% of police are great people, but what about the other 1%. Are we to ignore the 1% or should we put the entire force under a microscope. 

It is sort of embarrassing that Stockton PD has viral videos on the internet of excessive force. It is embarrassing that Stockton PD recently put an officer on paid leave for illegally issuing a ticket to a political foe. As if Stockton has anymore need of being embarrassed after our rating a few years ago as the most miserable city in America and our very recent ranking as the worst place to look for a job. 

 Despite your political leaning you must take this very seriously. The officer was put on paid leave, which to me sounds like a paid vacation. What does a cop have to do to get in real trouble? Why are we all OK with a cop punishing someone for disagreement? Who else was involved in some sort of minor conspiracy to target a man who served his county in Iraq. Shouldn’t we now examine all this particular officers prior arrests now that we know he has no regard for truth or law?

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