Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Stockton Mayor Silva and the Hillary Clinton email connection.

Over the last couple years we have consistently been bombarded with a seemingly made up right wing conspiracy against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The scandal lies in the handling of her emails, which are supposed to be part of a public record. Clinton maintains that she didn't feel like using two devices to send and receive emails that were part of official State Department business, and those which were of a personal nature.

For people who are not that familiar with the topic, Clinton placed a server in her home and used her personal email for both private and official business. At first this sounds odd, unprecedented because it is. It wasn't until quite recently that rules governing email existed because it wasn't until quite recently that email existed. For instance, in his entire term in office Bill Clinton sent only one email.

The specifics of the Clinton case are irrelevant to the topic of how the Mayor of Stockton fits into this story. Essentially he faced the exact same accusations a few years ago. News10 reported that;

"Emails from Mayor Anthony Silva about city business could shed important light on efforts to solve Stockton's problems. But getting those emails – which an expert said are public records – can be difficult.
Citing California's public records laws, News10 requested emails sent to and from Silva's work email account since he took office last January.

According to the records the city sent News10, Silva did not send a single message from his city email account for the entire months of May and June.It's clear now that he did send messages dealing with city business, but when he did, he used his personal AOL account or texted from his cell phone."

So where is the difference? Hillary admitted to wrong doing and is slowly dumping all her emails, many of which are very embarrassing.  Could you imagine if every email Mayor Silva sent was made public?

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