Saturday, December 19, 2015

Blurred Lines

We often like to see people whom are removed from life of politics fill a void, ironically in politics. This could be the reason Donald Trump and Dr Ben Carson do so well in their races for the GOP nomination for president, since neither have ever held an elected office. Of course one must consider that perhaps having served in office some amount of necessary experience could have been gained. Recently, Meg Whitman stated that Carly Fiorina didn’t have the experience necessary to serve as president. 

It becomes really strange when you come to decide, not on someone who has served in office, but rather someone behind the curtain pulling the strings. Marcie Bayne is running for Stockton City Council and has been a string puller for quite some time. This could either give her some insight into how things actually get done, or make her completely blind with a set of intrinsic values that would see no movement at all while sitting on the deis. 

Of course Bayne has massive issues with a ton of people in Stockton politics already. One could assume that these issues are actually grudges that would certainly blind her from doing what is best for the city. Already earlier this year she was accused of being biased while sitting on the charter review commission , and she was also let go by the Central Labor Council. Not to mention that the Stockton Police Officers Association has already endorsed her opponent.

She seems to surround herself with the most controversial people in Stockton as well, Having her inner circle consisting of Neat Allen Sawyer, Mayor Anthony Silva, and Motec Sanchez.  In fact, she has admitted that the super controversial N. Allen Sawyer is working on her race. I guess we will see how a political professional does on the other side of the line soon.